Did they ever change their stance about evolution? If you have any supporting evidence about that let me know, and I'll forward it to the author.
two days ago a new book was released for download, called "ever-changing teachings of jehovah's witnesses".
it was originally written by a polish jw scholar (who never was a jw himself) włodzimierz bednarski, with a help from szymon matusiak, who was a jw and an elder, and is a result of years of labourious work to compile quotes regarding every single doctrine the book describes.
it covers the most important changes in years 1879—2015.
Did they ever change their stance about evolution? If you have any supporting evidence about that let me know, and I'll forward it to the author.
two days ago a new book was released for download, called "ever-changing teachings of jehovah's witnesses".
it was originally written by a polish jw scholar (who never was a jw himself) włodzimierz bednarski, with a help from szymon matusiak, who was a jw and an elder, and is a result of years of labourious work to compile quotes regarding every single doctrine the book describes.
it covers the most important changes in years 1879—2015.
Two days ago a new book was released for download, called "Ever-changing teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses". It was originally written by a Polish JW scholar (who never was a JW himself) Włodzimierz Bednarski, with a help from Szymon Matusiak, who was a JW and an elder, and is a result of years of labourious work to compile quotes regarding every single doctrine the book describes. It covers the most important changes in years 1879—2015. It can be an invaluable resource for talking with still-in relatives and friends, to show them the extent of changes not only in the first years of Bible Students movement, but also those made recently. Especially when they were changing doctrines back-and-forth.
I hope you'll like it!
jan used a famous scientist to garner misleading support for creation, quoting rama singh as saying "the opposition to evolution goes beyond religious fundamentalism and includes a great many people from educated sections of the population.
2015 jan p.3) whilst the quote is accurate, it misrepresents singh's intention.
singh continues in the same paragraph, "there are several reasons why facts of evolution are not easily comprehensible by the general masses.
It's also funny that they forgot to remove the quote from the audio version. Go to the article:
And press play on the audio player below the article title. You can skip to 0:30 sec mark. The quote will still be read, even though it's absent from the article text :).
PS. They did remove it from the polish language editions, but also - except the audio recording, which still contains it.
thank you atlantis / wtunderground !.
Thanks wifi for the outlines! There are few minor changes in the memorial outline since last year:
the 2016 january tv.jw.org broadcasting has a clear message: jw.org needs more money!.
the 2 months of donation increase is not enough: the thousands of projects are not a 2 month project.. so: thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you (heh heh heh) and send us more!
personal conclusion: if i had any doubts that the society is sincere, this openly money grabbing has made my perception complete.
I'm not going to watch it...but for those that did - did Lett remove his rolex or rings for this one like he did the last time? I think I remember that he removed his rolex last time, but if the image above is from this month's begging session it looks like he may have not only removed the rolex but the infamous pinky ring as well.
He still wears a watch but it's barely visible and probably not gold. But he DID remove his big-ass gold pinky ring, as he did in May, so I think that's on purpose. Especially because he does wear it on other videos he's starring in.
jan used a famous scientist to garner misleading support for creation, quoting rama singh as saying "the opposition to evolution goes beyond religious fundamentalism and includes a great many people from educated sections of the population.
2015 jan p.3) whilst the quote is accurate, it misrepresents singh's intention.
singh continues in the same paragraph, "there are several reasons why facts of evolution are not easily comprehensible by the general masses.
thank you atlantis / wtunderground !.
i have been reading in facebook that there is a new society's order for destroying all documents concerning cases of pedophilia in all congregations.
is it true that the elders have received such an order?
Jurors are going to here that and ask themselves "Why?"
@JeffT: No, they won't. Because the UK law (data protection policy) forbids the congregations of storing any personal data on their members without member's knowledge and consent (it is actually true for any European Union country). If they would NOT destroy them, they could be fined hard.
And then again keep in mind, that this instruction does not affect child molestation files, which are handled differently, as stated in the checklist and BOE letters. So there is nothing to say about this in the court, because that wouldn't be an issue.